Love on the rocksSo many of us move through life helping others, giving to others, and being there for others. These are all beautiful things that bring out our generosity, our free giving spirit, our goodness, our kindness, and our big hearts.

The power of giving is strong. Giving makes the world a better place. It feels good to give to others. It is a huge part of my personal live and you see it everywhere in the blogosphere. People are helping people and I believe the more you give the more the universe will give back to you.

I get this.
I believe this.
Giving is part of my inner workings.

And still, I’m concerned.

I’m concerned that we may be missing something (or someone). I’m concerned we may be giving so much to others that we don’t have enough to give to ourselves.

I believe there must be a balance {a balance between giving to others and self nurturing}.

Do you give yourself permission everyday to take care of yourself?

Do you give yourself permission everyday to enjoy “Me Time”?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section.

photo credit: James Jordan

Showing 53 comments
  • This is a great discussion! I see many valid points and a lot of passion. I like what Corey said about Jesus taking ‘Me’ time. I really do believe that there is a need to take care of ourselves so when the time is right, we’re fully capable to address those needs that present themselves.

    I also completely understand Liz’s frustration with a selfish society. I think this ‘Me’ time business can quickly get out of hand. Balance is definitely key in everything we do.

    Thanks for opening the doors to a thought provoking back-and-forth with your readers. Eric

    Eric Hamm´s last blog post..Business, Blogging And Becoming A Dad

  • Liz

    Main Entry: en·ti·tle·ment
    Pronunciation: \-?t?-t?l-m?nt\
    Function: noun
    Date: 1942
    1 a: the state or condition of being entitled : right b: a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract
    2: a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group ; also : funds supporting or distributed by such a program
    3: belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges

    Would love to hear individuals’ comments regarding their philosophy of personal entitlement, especially as it relates to definition #3. How do you deal with someone who feels like they are “entitled” to something that they aren’t? How do you keep yourself from heading down this ugly, selfish path? Do you believe that there are entitlements that all should have? If so, what? For example, if your child is sick, are you entitled to healing medicine no matter what the cost? Are we all entitled to a good night’s sleep, a safe country, alone time, life? Are we entitled to get what we want when we want it? How do you personally balance needs and wants that you feel are personal entitlements with desires that are for selfish gain? Do our entitlements give us permission to gain what we want at the cost of others? And how do we as Americans justify these entitlements with the rest of a humanity who may not live with such freedoms? A heady subject. Would welcome your thoughts on it. Stacey?

  • I’m not sure about ‘entitlements’ as the frame of the debate. I think it is possible to arrive at a sense of equity – best done throug personal relationships.

    I think our world is rich enough to provide everyone with a fulfilling life. I don’t think people living a fulfilling life want as much stuff: consumerism is the symptom in my view.

    My guess is that we set off in the desired direction and find how far we can get. There are any number of opportunities – alternative health, organic food, urban (re-) design, working part-time instead of full-time, poverty reduction . . . on and on.