I have been trying to build my www.createabalance.com website for over 3 years. Like a broken record, I have been re-working the logo, the layout, the navigation, and the content. Recently, I have been trying to maximize search engine optimization (aka SEO) and to determine how I can financially support my effort to help women around the world create a balance in their lives.

I had an Ah-Ha moment this week while reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. It was time to shift gears and build a blog. So I cancelled my hosting service with register.com (which is a great website for purchasing domain names), moved to a WordPress friendly hosting service.

The intention of the www.createabalance.com website is to help women balance the demands of being everything to everyone while not losing themselves, their needs, and their passions in the process. It will also provide valuable information to women who want to start their own website so they can share their life’s purpose with other women around the world. Since it has taken me 3 years to get here, I figure the least I can do is share lessons learned so other women can benefit from having a shorter learning curve.

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  • Kate

    Very inspiring first post. I’m a mom living in New York City and need all the inspiration I can get to make sure I don’t lose myself and my passions in the day-to-day routines of managing my family. Looking forward to more posts. KH

  • Thank you Kate for replying to my post. If you continue to like what you see, please consider subscribing to createabalance.com via RSS.

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  • […] I wrote my very first blog post back in February, 2008, the URL was CreateaBalance.com. This was my intention: “The intention […]