I’m taking a break from creating this morning.
I’m slowing down and pausing all the manifesting/moonifesting.

Instead, I’m filling my senses with gratitude.
I’m remembering all that I am grateful for.

Are you spending a lot of time in your mind… creating, manifesting/moonifesting?
I invite you to carve out time in your day, to expand your awareness and quite your mind.

Remember, in addition to creating and manifesting/moonifesting…
You also need to be present and full of gratitude to receive the abundance you desire.

I’m using my sense of smell this morning to help me slow down.
Smelling sweet & spicy essential oils helps me get out of my mind and into my heart.

SOUL INQUIRY: What is your practice for slowing down so you can feel fully grateful and sense deeply into the present moment?

Still Evolving


Showing 9 comments
  • I have to shut everything down (cell phone, tv, etc.) and either focus on an activity with my family, or get in some me time. One of the easiest way for me to slow down is to take a long hot bath, with music and candles. I sip on sparkling water with strawberry slices and try not to think about anything! 🙂

  • I *wish* I had a method for slowing down and unwinding. I need to get better at that. =(

  • I wish I had a specific practice for it. I am working on it…

  • Brandi and Michele, If you are just starting out, I suggest starting with noticing and slowing down your breath.

  • I love the Soul Inquiry question you shared – journaling, painting and walking are all ways I slow down and connect. Love the idea of using my sense of smell to remember to slow down.

    • Minette ~ I love journaling, painting and walking as ways to slow down too. I like using my sense of smell too because I can take the same essential oils with me everywhere I travel.

  • Definitely need to be more present. Yoga helps me temporarily.

  • Stepping away from technology is what grounds me. When I’m stressed or having a tough day, closing down shop and getting on the floor with my kids to play trains keeps me sane!